Clinton 101: Webb Hubbell


Today we will be continuing our series on the dark and sordid history of the Clinton administration for the young and perpetually uninformed. People often ask themselves, “If the Clintons were really so corrupt back in the 1980s then how could they possibly get away with all of it?” The answer to that age old question is simply, Webb Hubbell. The person in this picture is named Webster Lee Hubbell. He was an offensive tackle for the Arkansas Razorbacks and was drafted to play for the Chicago Bears until a serious knee injury ruined his career. He went on to become a lawyer at Rose Law Firm.

Webb Hubble had very close ties to Hillary Clinton and Vince Foster while working at Rose Law Firm. In 1983, Hillary Clinton, Webb Hubbell, and Vince Foster all joined an investment scheme which named each other, rather than their spouses, as beneficiaries. Just a few years later, Hubbell would draft the legislation called Act 1062 which would allow the creation of the Arkansas Developer Finance Authority (or ADFA) to completely take over the state bond business. Hillary Clinton and Webb Hubbell also did the initial audit of the ADFA while working at Rose Law Firm and found this to be a new business in good standing. The ADFA was advertised to the public as a new state agency that would provide important loans to business, schools and churches. These bonds that were issued by the ADFA were valued in the hundreds of millions of dollars and were personally approved by Governor Clinton with the details being managed by Roger Clinton and underwritten by Dan Lasater. Both Roger and Dan would eventually be charged and convicted for the illegal distribution of cocaine.

A man named Larry Nichols would soon go to work at the Arkansas Developer Finance Authority. He would eventually become a whistleblower and attempt to reveal the work that he believed was really going on there. After working there for only two weeks, Nichols asked the President of the ADFA about the criterion for giving out a loan. He reports being told that they are to provide money to whomever the Clintons wanted. Nichols would describe himself as being at the very epicenter of the Bill and Hillary Clinton’s underground political machine.

All applications for state bonds in the ADFA were required to go through the Rose Law Firm for a fee of fifty thousand dollars each. There were five other companies which were more qualified to do this kind of work, yet Rose Law firm received 100 percent of this business. Larry Nichols would go on to discover that many of the close friends of Bill and Hillary Clinton who received these loans were never even required to pay them back. He believed that these funds were being used for political “payback” and “hush money.” These loans would exist at the ADFA for a few months and then would mysteriously “zero balance” meaning that they would just disappear into the nether. After doing independent internal research into these massive questionable loans, Larry Nichols would eventually conclude that the Arkansas Developer Finance Authority was actually a large money laundering operation for a nationwide cocaine distribution operation being run out of the small town of Mena, Arkansas. There was reportedly around 100 million dollars of cocaine money coming in each month and it needed a place to go. Nichols alleges that the ultimate destination for this drug money was the Arkansas Developer Finance Authority. Webb Hubbell and Hillary Clinton helped to create the ADFA where two convicted cocaine dealers helped to manage all of the money from within while Governor Bill Clinton signed off on every single loan.

Webb Hubbell eventually became the Chairman of the Conflicts of Interests Committee at Rose Law Firm. In 1988, he would advance the Ethics in Government Act which would require Arkansas legislators to report any existing conflicts of interest within the state government. Incredibly, this law specifically exempted Governor Bill Clinton as well as any of his political appointees or relatives.

Webb Hubbell would go on to serve as the Mayor of Little Rock until he was appointed by Bill Clinton as Chief Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court. After the 1992 Presidential election, Hubbell became one of the Clinton administration’s senior officials and was formally nominated as the Associate Attorney General of the United States. Hubbell would later be required to step down from this position after it was publicly revealed that he intentionally over-billed and stole from his clients for years while working right down the hall from Hillary Clinton at the Rose Law Firm. He would eventually confess and admit publicly to all of these crimes. Hubbell lost his law licence and would spend 18 months in federal prison.

I would be remiss in talking about Webb Hubbell without addressing the single most shocking unsubstantiated rumor which has been swirling around him for years. Many people genuinely believe that Webster Hubbell is the biological father of Chelsea Clinton. I am not a big fan of rumors as I try to only deal in facts. I must admit while considering these rumors that the two individuals do bear a striking resemblance to each other. I can tell you that independent investigator Robert Morrow has quoted Bill Clinton as previously saying, “I shoot blanks.” When inquired further about Chelsea, Clinton reportedly responded, “Oh, Webb sired her.” In 2014, The National Enquirer reportedly obtained DNA from Webb Hubbell at a book signing event and subsequent DNA testing concluded that Hubbell could not be excluded at Chelsea’s father. At a press conference, Morrow publicly asked Chelsea Clinton, “Has your mother ever told you that you’re the daughter of Webb Hubbell and not Bill Clinton?” Chelsea calmly answered, “I’m so proud to be my parent’s daughter.” Webb Hubbell was also publicly asked if he was the father of Chelsea Clinton. His answer was even more revealing… he simply replied, “No comment.”

Please try to remember everything you just learned about Webb Hubbell and the serious allegations of illegal money laundering at the Arkansas Developer Finance Authority throughout the 1980’s. This will provide a helpful backstory when we eventually examine the 189 million dollar “charity” otherwise known as The Clinton Foundation.

Published by

Michael Guyer

Dr. Michael Guyer graduated from Hendrix College with a degree in chemistry and then obtained a medical degree from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. He is now a software developer for Apple Computer. He has formal computer programming training in C++, Objective C, Visual Basic, Java, HTML, and Swift.

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