The Road Not Taken


trump and sanders

The “United” States of America has now become so politically polarized that a crony capitalist and an overt communist are currently leading in the polls while a large swath of voters in the middle go completely unrepresented.

Trump is not just a “capitalist”… he is the worst kind of capitalist. He uses his wealth to influence politicians and to ultimately get what he wants. He uses the laws created by this influence to circumvent the rights of others. He uses eminent domain laws to take the property of others. He uses bankruptcy laws to clear himself of his previous financial obligations. Donald Trump is the ugly underbelly of capitalism.

Sanders is not just a “democratic socialist”… there is a reason that the Democratic party has been unable to explain the difference between a Democrat and a socialist. The Democratic party became a socialist party many years ago. Bernie Sanders is now using the old definition of “democratic socialism” which is what we all called communism over fifty years ago. Do you remember the old USSR? The second “S” stands for socialists. By most modern definitions, Bernie Sanders voices political positions which currently border on our old definitions of communism.

The United States of America is currently at a crossroads… and from my vantage point, both paths will lead us straight to hell.

How To Completely Collapse An Economy In Four Easy Steps

Step 1: Establish a large federal welfare state which takes care of all people from cradle to grave.

Step 2: Open your borders to everyone and then grant citizenship to anyone who enters.

Step 3: Force private business to pay all citizens fifteen dollars per hour regardless of each individual’s training or labor contribution.

Step 4: Make sure to shame anyone who objects to this by calling them a “closed-minded and cold-hearted racist” in order to silence them and prevent them from interfering with the overall economy-imploding process.

My Name Is Michael But You Can Call Me Henry


My name is Michael but you can call me Henry.

“Henry” is an acronym for High-Earner-Not-Rich-Yet.

That’s me.

I’m the guy that did everything right.

I come from a family of immigrants who pulled themselves up from far below the poverty line.

My parents stressed to me the importance of a good education.

Neither my wife nor myself have ever been personally provided with a single dime of inheritance.

I took all of the hardest classes in college and studied at least eight hours per day while many others around me goofed off and had a good time.

I went to medical school and became a doctor.

When I was in my 20’s, I often worked over 90 hours per week in residency while making only 33,000 dollars per year.

Even though I worked 90 hour work-weeks during my residency, I still usually would moonlight on most weekends for additional 60 hour shifts in order to rapidly pay down my loans.

I have never asked a union leader to artificially inflate my value in the workplace.

For years, my wife and I lived in an 88,000 dollar home which we quickly paid off and got into the early habit of saving at least 50 percent of our income.

My wife and I stood by and watched people with one sixth of our household income purchase houses at least three times bigger than ours with no money down.

I buy almost all of my clothes at Wal-Mart and many people who do not know me simply assume that I am poor.

My wife and I paid off over 160,000 dollars of debt before I turned twenty eight.

I started my own business and eventually purchased a large apartment complex.  I gradually paid down the mortgage on this property until it was completely paid off.

I have always paid all of my taxes and the only contribution to my lifetime criminal record was a speeding ticket which I received when I was 18-years-old.

I have absolutely no debt.

I did not “cheat” anyone else to get where I am today.

I have never played the “victim card.”

I have never received a single penny of public assistance.

I have never declared bankruptcy or asked for any of my debt to be “forgiven.”

I drive a ten-year-old used pick-up truck and I paid cash for it.

My house is over 40 years old and has a few holes in it but it’s mine.

I took all of my money out of the stock market in 2007 and completely avoided the market collapse.

I would like to say I have been fortunate in life but this is untrue.  I have earned everything I have through planning, education, and hard work.

I usually pick political candidates that get around four percent of the popular vote.

My wife and I paid slightly over 310,000 dollars in federal, state, property, and sales taxes in 2010 alone.

My wife and I have contributed to Social Security for over twenty years with the expectation that we will never see a dime of this money.

I don’t have a personal chef, personal trainer, or butler.  I hire a housekeeper to clean our house twice a month and she drives a car much nicer than the one I drive.

I plan to avoid the upcoming currency collapse by putting many of my assets into commodities and real estate.

My country now runs up huge amounts of debt and turns its eyes to me once again.

I am told that I need to pay my fair share of taxes.

I am told that I should feel grateful for what I have.

I am told that the fruits of my labor will eventually need to be “redistributed.”

I now see large crowds of young Americans attending the political rallies of self-described socialists.

I am told not to complain about my current situation.

I say all of this not to complain… but simply to inform.

I am tired.

I am growing weary of a system that punishes the winners and rewards the losers.

I am growing angry over a system of taxation without representation.

I announced last year that I was officially walking away from the practice of medicine for good.

My country has lost another doctor and another taxpayer.

I do not seek your approval for my life choices and I couldn’t care less about your criticism.

I am going to focus less on making money and more on improving myself by exercising, reading, and teaching myself to become maximally self-sufficient.

I am awaiting our country’s economic collapse.

Most importantly, I am going to teach my son about the principles that this country was founded on.  I pray that he can be the kind of individual who can pick up the pieces and help rebuild this country into something great once again.

Our citizens will soon learn that we all get the country that we deserve.


The Crusade Against Assault Grade Box Cutters

box cutter

I would like to use the reminder of this tragic anniversary to inform everyone of my personal crusade to pass a federal law banning the sale of assault grade box cutters in the United States. Imagine the number of lives we could save each year if we simply removed all of the box cutters from our city streets. Remember, people don’t kill people… box cutters kill people. Did you ever wonder why we usually blame the guns for our local crimes but NOBODY blamed the box cutters on 9/11?

An Inconvenient Lie and the Ugly Truth about Global Warming


Oh, no!  Here we go again.  Here comes another crazy article from one of those “climate change deniers.”  Although, I suppose that if I had been born during the ancient pre-Socratic era that many of you would have been referring to me back then as one of those “round-Earthers”.  You might now be wondering to yourself why I picked the time before Socrates as my example for the prevalence of the flat-Earth theory when it is common knowledge that Christopher Columbus proved to everyone that the world was round back in 1492.  You might be surprised to learn that what your teachers taught you in school was completely wrong and that the round-Earth model was widely accepted before Columbus left on his historic voyage. That is the thing about common knowledge.  It commonly ends up making us all look like misinformed fools.

So what makes me qualified to make statements regarding man-made global warming?  Well, I certainly have a background which is firmly rooted in science.  I graduated with a chemistry degree from Hendrix College and presented my research regarding the synthesis of conformationally mobile bicyclic tetrahydro-1,2-oxazines by isomerization of isoxazolidinylmethyl tosylates to the American Chemical Society in 1991.  Wait!  Don’t scamper away like a frightened bunny!  I am only using these big scary scientific words as evidence that I know what the heck I am actually talking about.  I plan to only use smaller and non-threatening words going forward.  I should also point out that I am a medical doctor who worked for years as an associate professor for a local university.   I certainly have more of a scientific background than Al Gore or Bill Nye.   Most importantly, I need you to understand that I am not some redneck sitting on his back porch wearing a tin-foil hat in order to prevent the government from reading my thoughts.

So… am I writing this article in order to explain to everyone that the world has not recently been in a warming trend?  Absolutely not!   Would you stop asking me all of these damn questions and just let me explain?  Our planet has clearly been in a warming trend from 1975 to 1998.  There is no dispute over this fact from anyone.  However, we do have a giant logistical hurdle that must be cleared before I can even attempt to begin to change your mind regarding the issue of man-made global warming.  It is the 500-pound gorilla in the room that must be addressed.  You have had it drilled into your head over the past few years that 97 percent of all scientists now agree that global warming is due to carbon emissions produced by humans.   The debate is over.  The science is clear.  Alternate climate theory is to be mocked and ridiculed.   Stick a fork in this debate… it’s done.  So let me ask you something… other than the facts that Christopher Columbus taught us all that the Earth was round and that 97 percent of all scientists agree that man-made global warming is real, what other actual science do you really know for yourself regarding the Earth and its climate?  Most of your “so-called knowledge” is probably based on what politicians have told you in the past.  To really understand the history of the global warming debate you really need to break the explanation down into two separate but important parts:  the science and the politics.   Let’s start with the science.

If you listen to some environmentalists talk, you would think that our planet had been going along just fine for thousands of years and then suddenly experienced a rise in global temperatures with the onset of the Industrial Revolution.  It really is too bad that things did not happen like this in our actual history because it truly would make a compelling argument for man-made global warming.  Unfortunately, facts can be stubborn things.   The recorded temperature of our planet has been fluctuating wildly for many thousands of years before the Industrial Revolution. One of these periods that should be examined closely is commonly referred to as the “medieval warm period.”  This was a period from 950 to 1250 in which our planet sustained much higher temperatures than the ones that we all experience today, yet our Earth did not experience any awe-inspiring surges in its ocean levels.   This period of time was actually pretty boring in the grand scheme of things except of course for when Genghis Khan soundly defeated the Khwarezmian Empire… that dude was completely nuts!

When it comes to the theoretical melting of the polar ice caps, I would like for all of you to do a little experiment.  Go and get a drinking glass from your kitchen.  I want you to fill this glass with as much ice as physically possible.  You need to see mountains of ice coming up over the top of this container.  Next, I would like for you to fill this glass up with water until it reaches the very top.  Then allow your experiment to sit somewhere at room temperature. You know what happens next because you have seen this disaster with ice cream before, right?  Wrong!  If you allow this experiment to melt before your very eyes, you will discover not only that you did not make a mess but that the water level is now lower than you first started.  Is this magic?   Am I some sort of witch or wizard?  Before you and Al Gore burn me at the stake, allow me to explain to you what happens with water when it freezes… it expands.  And guess what happens to ice when it melts… it goes the other way… the opposite of expands… it shrinks?  Let’s just say that ice takes up much more space than water.  For all of the ice you see above the water both in your container and at the polar ice caps, there is much more ice below the surface. Some areas around the northern ice cap have repeatedly melted and refrozen throughout the history of our planet but this does not result in rising sea levels… because our oceans and seas are not a bunch of idiots and these bodies of water understand basic chemistry and physics.

Moving on, the medieval warm period was then followed by the “Little Ice Age” in which temperatures dropped significantly for the next four hundred years. One has to ask themselves what happened to cause this sudden global cooling process. Did the Mongols suddenly make an effort to reduce their own carbon footprint? Perhaps many of the people killed during the Spanish Inquisition were using too much hairspray?  All we know for sure is that temperatures quickly went down and stayed down for many centuries.

Now let’s fast forward a little bit to the Industrial Revolution.  The entire planet began to run on coal in the early 1800’s.  Steamships and steam-powered railroads became the primary means of transportation.   In 1880, we began to burn coal in order to generate electricity.  A few decades later we developed gas-guzzling cars which exploded into use all over the planet.  By 1940, we were burning coal and gasoline like crazy.   We were emitting more carbon during this period than in any other time throughout human history!  You suspect that average climate temperatures had to be skyrocketing during this period? Wrong!  Please don’t try to get ahead of me on this and start guessing what I am about to say… I am trying to explain everything.  Average global temperatures actually fell from 1940 to 1975 despite the fact that our planet’s carbon emissions were at an all-time high for the previous decades.  So how is this drop in temperatures possible if carbon emissions are so closely tied global temperatures?  Now, that is one of the smartest questions that you have asked me so far.

Let’s first look at the makeup of the Earth’s atmosphere.  Our atmosphere is made up of approximately 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, 0.93 percent argon, 0.04 percent carbon dioxide, and trace quantities of other gases.   Currently, the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is closer to 0.039 percent but I rounded up.  If you cranked up every coal plant on the planet then you still would not get this much above 0.049 percent which is still just barely beyond the rounding error.   But what about the “Greenhouse Effect”, you ask?  Couldn’t just a slight change in CO2 result in more heat becoming trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere?    Wow, you are like a dog with a freaking bone in regards to these questions.

Let’s say that you placed a cold spoon in a hot bowl of soup.  Then you come back and touch the spoon a few minutes later.  Ouch!  Why did you touch that spoon, you idiot?  It’s hot.  How did your spoon get so hot?  It was warmed by the hot soup, of course. If you checked the temperature of the spoon then you would quickly discover that the end of the spoon that was in the soup was much hotter than the handle part sticking out of the soup.   The hottest part of the spoon was closest to the original source of the heat.  Now let’s look at the Greenhouse Effect models for our planet. The troposphere is the area of the Earth’s atmosphere which traps these greenhouse gases and captures the heat from the sun.   If the troposphere is the source for our global warming then this section should obviously be the warmest part of our spoon.  However, studies of the Earth’s atmosphere have repeatedly shown that the “warmest part of the spoon” is the atmosphere closest to the ground!  So, the Earth’s ground is causing our global warming?  Oh, we are getting so close to the truth that you that can almost smell it!

Pro tip:  When you are trying to figure out the cause of the fluctuations in the Earth’s temperature, you might want to take into account that giant yellow hydrogen ball of plasma in the sky.   You know that thing that makes our temperatures go up to ninety degrees during the day and then drop down into the seventies when we turn our planetary back to it again at night?  Of course, I am talking about the sun!  The sun!  Who would have thunk it?   You may want to be sitting down for this next part. Yes… I am absolutely telling you that the 9,941 degree Fahrenheit sun is a much more significant factor for our climate’s temperature than the 0.04 percent of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Increased solar activity can quite easily be recorded by observing an increased number of “sun spots” on the surface of the sun.  If one goes back and looks at the recorded history of sun spots over the past two-thousand years, one will quickly see a sharp correlation between solar activity and the Earth’s temperature.  Remember the Little Ice Age that I told you about?  This closely correlates with 400 years of some of the lowest solar activity in history.   The sun simply wasn’t as hot during this period when compared to the previous centuries before this.

Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have never correlated precisely with climate change, but scientists have discovered something else that correlates extremely closely with temperature fluctuations throughout history:  cosmic rays!   That’s right… these are the very same cosmic rays that gave Reed Richards and the rest of the Fantastic Four their amazing powers back in 1961.   These cosmic rays continuously come down from space and hit water droplets in the atmosphere which results in cloud formation.  When the sun is highly active then this results in fewer cosmic rays making it into our atmosphere resulting in fewer clouds.  Fewer clouds in the sky results in higher surface temperatures on Earth… wait a minute… higher surface temperatures!  That is the hot end of the spoon!   Our explanation now finally matches closely with our results!

Okay, so if everything that I said makes sense then how the heck can 97 percent of all scientists agree that man-made global warming is caused by carbon emissions?  This is where we get into the political aspect of this debate.   The origin for this current scientific and political quagmire rests squarely at the feet of the Iron Lady.  You heard me correctly…   Margaret Freaking Thatcher!   During the 1970’s, the prime minister of the United Kingdom was trying to convince a skeptical nation about the benefits of nuclear power.  This was just around the same time that global temperatures had started to rise.  Mrs. Thatcher decided to point towards a few words from a single disrespected Swedish scientist about his theories regarding carbon dioxide emissions and global temperature increases.   Politicians used this unproven theory to push for “cleaner” forms of energy production.  Governments then started paying for scientists to “prove” that these theories had merit.  The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established to prove the link between carbon emissions and global warming.  Scientists soon discovered an endless supply of money if they applied for government research grants with the words “global warming” and “carbon emission” in the application.   Scientists who did not agree with the premise did not need to apply.  Global warming became the “golden goose” of scientific research.   Saying that 97 percent of IPCC scientists agree that man-made global warming is real is like saying that 97 percent of people who work for Donald Trump agree that Donald Trump is awesome.  You get the results that you pay for.

There are plenty of scientists on this planet who know beyond a shadow of doubt that carbon dioxide emissions have absolutely nothing to do with global warming.  These people are now mocked and ostracized. They often struggle to find work.  Many find it impossible to get funding for research.  They have become social pariahs within the scientific community.  Just a few years ago, an official inquiry was launched to investigate a coordinated manipulation by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the global surface temperature data.  As throughout the course of history, our recent warming trend has now tapered off while many of our “top scientists” are under tremendous pressure to “prove” that this warming trend still exists.  For the record, I don’t have a problem with a society that does not have an answer for every question.  But I do have a huge problem with a society which believes that some answers should never be questioned.

So what is the point of all this?  Who cares if we are right or wrong about global warming?   The polar bears will be fine either way.  No harm.  No foul.  How does this affect you?  Well, if you live among the people in the developed world then it probably won’t affect you very much.  The government may try to regulate your carbon footprint and tell you what kind of car you can drive.  They may try to regulate industry and force expensive and unnecessary intervention which will ultimately be passed on to the consumer.   Your cost of living may go up a little bit for no reason.  But if you live in the undeveloped world then some of these regulations could suppress you for the remainder of your lifetime.  Laws are being enforced right now that prevents the developing world from utilizing the older and cheaper forms of energy production.  Often times this means not having energy at all for entire swaths of our global society.  It means keeping millions of Africans in the dark while we keep our lights on and while Al Gore flies around in his jumbo jet.

I am all for keeping this world clean.  The Earth is a beautiful place and we should make sure we leave it in as good of a condition as we found it.  I am a big fan of clean water and clean air.  We should all do everything within our power to make sure that our planet does not become polluted and uninhabitable.  We should not have to lie to our fellow citizens or stand with our collective foot on their necks in order to achieve these goals.

Black Dads Matter

black dads matter

I have grown frustrated over the past few years regarding the lack of attention paid to inner city gun violence. The greatest mortality risk for a young black male growing up in the inner cities today is not at the hands of our police departments. This demographic is most likely to die at the hands of other young black men. In retrospect, most of these murderers lack any significant male role model in their lives. Hundreds of young black children have been gunned down in the city of Chicago alone over the past year, yet the death of Cecil the Lion and Michael Brown received more attention than all of these victims combined. For years, I assumed that the public’s apathy regarding this epidemic problem was simply due to the subtle soft racism of lowered expectations. However, I just recently realized that this persistent neglect by the mainstream media may be due to the lack of a catchy slogan for the cause. I think it is long past the time that we actually had one. I recommend that we use the slogan “Black Dads Matter.”

Love and Other High-Risk Activities

Two people watch the full moon also referred to as a "super moon" rise in the sky from the Eagle Rock Reservation in West Orange, New Jersey, June 22, 2013. The largest full moon of the year called the "super moon" will light up the night sky this weekend.  REUTERS/Gary Hershorn (UNITED STATES - Tags: ENVIRONMENT SOCIETY) ORG XMIT: NYK03

“I don’t know, dude… I just don’t know why any woman would ever choose to love me.” My friend took a big swig of beer as we both looked up into the night sky.

“What the heck are you talking about? Any girl would be lucky to have you,” I reassured him.

“Lucky,” he chuckled, “that’s not what I would call it.”

My buddy had lived the first twenty-three years of his life with the death sentence of cystic fibrosis hanging over his head. He normally tried to remain optimistic and confident. Maybe it was just the alcohol talking on this quiet night. Looking back, I suspect it was just a moment of honest self-reflection.

He then said in all seriousness, “I can’t have kids and I probably won’t live past my thirties. How could I ever ask a woman to marry that?”

I quickly responded, “You don’t look for a woman who wants to marry that… you just look for a woman who wants to marry you. None of us know how long we have on this Earth.”

“I feel sorry for anyone stupid enough to love me. They are just asking to get hurt,” my friend muttered as he stared down into his empty beer bottle.

“Shut up, man,” I told him emphatically, “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Go get some sleep.”

This was not the person that my friend usually allowed the rest of the world to see. He was usually funny and boisterous. He was gentle and kindhearted. He would go on to courageously live the next two decades of his life with a sense of purpose. However, I suspect that he spent many of his early years worrying that he would someday become a burden and a source of pain to those around him.

I received the phone call a few days ago that I long feared. My friend had finally succumbed to cystic fibrosis at the age of forty-five. I immediately packed my bags and drove across the state to attend his funeral. What I found did not surprise me.

I found a kind and beautiful wife who was absolutely grief-stricken. I found her two children that my friend had been raising as his own. He had been a world-class husband and father. His family was surrounded by a large circle of friends who were completely heartbroken. I met a huge group of wonderful people who loved my old friend fearlessly. They saw a man each day with an infectious smile and an inspirational attitude… not some doomed soul with an early expiration date. Most importantly, I met a group of amazing individuals who would love this man all over again if given a second chance. In the end, he filled an entire church with a massive crowd of people who were not afraid to love him.

We all miss him right now.

We are all hurting.

I hope he realized at some point in his life that he would always be worth the pain.

Political Epiphany

trump and clinton

Okay, this took me a little while but I think that I finally have it all figured out. I am very serious about this theory so please follow my logic closely. Donald Trump was a Democrat for years and has been a very close friend to Bill and Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump has donated tens of thousands of dollars to the Clinton Foundation and their family members have attended each other’s weddings in the past. Donald Trump and the Clintons have historically been very close. A few years after President Obama took office, Mr. Trump “decided” to become a very outspoken Republican against Barack Obama. Now that Hillary Clinton is running for President, Donald Trump decided to jump into the race and immediately start bad mouthing other Republicans. Suddenly, Donald Trump shoots up in the political polls over the past week and starts having too much success within the Republican Party. Within a few days of these poll results, he comes out and starts bad mouthing John McCain and prisoners-of-war everywhere which is political suicide. Now it all makes sense! Why could I not see it? Donald Trump was never supposed to WIN the Republican nomination. The plan has always been to disrupt the Republican Party and then run as an independent to split the conservative vote and win the election for Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton won his election in 1992 when Ross Perot split the vote with George H.W. Bush. His wife wants to win in a similar manner. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump may be working together to split the conservative vote and ultimately put her in the oval office. This pisses me off… but this is also brilliant if it turns out to be true.

The Rebel Without A Clue

Confederate Flag

When I was in tenth grade way back in 1985, I had a large Confederate flag hanging in my bedroom.  One day, I had a good friend named Corey Oates over to my house to play video games.  Corey is black and highly intelligent.  As he sat down in my room, he looked up at this flag and told me in a semi-joking manner, “You know, that flag is a symbol of racial oppression and is highly offensive to people of my color.”  I rolled my eyes at him and said, “What are you talking about, you homo?  This flag just means that I am a rebel.  I am not offending anyone.  Don’t be such a retard.”

Personal growth comes gradually with most people.  It comes over long periods of time and is accelerated through education.  It evolves with exposure to other opinions and cultures.   I can’t pinpoint the precise moment when these changes occurred in me but I do know that I am not a big fan of the Confederate flag or the words “homo” or “retard” thirty years later.   My friend Corey knew that I had no hatred for other people in my heart, but my obliviousness to the pain that I may have been inflicting on those around me should not serve as an excuse for my behavior.   We worry so much about “political correctness” these days and how it may infringe on our freedom of speech… but having the right to say something does not mean that you should actually say it.   Human decency dictates that we restrict our own speech as soon as we realize that it unnecessarily damages the psyche of those around us.

The Confederate flag has been flown throughout the south for far too long.   As a general rule, one does not get to fly one’s flag any longer after one loses the war.   Only the winner gets to fly the flag.  That is the way that it has always been.  Can you imagine how people would feel if the Nazi flag was raised throughout Israel today?   Can you imagine the anger and hostility this would elicit from the general public for no reason whatsoever?   The Confederate flag belongs in our museums… not flying over our government buildings or in the bedrooms of our clueless teenagers.

Just recently, an angry racist white-supremacist entered a historically black church and killed nine of its church members in a cold-blooded attack.  He stated that he wanted to start a race war.   He acted as if he spoke for White Americans throughout this country.   What would be a better way to honor those victims than to start the process of removing the Confederate flag from flagpoles everywhere?   Would there be a better way of collectively thumbing our noses at this cold-hearted killer?

We should not remove symbols of the Confederacy because we are forced to.  We should not succumb to peer pressure or political correctness.    We should remove all symbols of the Confederacy because they lost the war over one-hundred-and-fifty years ago.   We should remove these symbols because they unnecessarily hurt people for no reason.   We should remove them because we have undergone our own personal growth as a nation.  We should willingly take down these Confederate flags… not because we are forced to… but because we are a good and decent nation.

What, Me Worry?


President Obama just recently announced that he does not have a back-up strategy regarding the current military advancement of the Islamic State in Iraq.  He also just recently admitted that he does not have a back-up plan if the Supreme Court rules that most of the federal subsidies associated with Obamacare are illegal and the out-of-pocket cost for most people’s insurance subsequently goes way up.  However, Mr. Obama does agree that someone in a position of power should probably be worrying about this kind of stuff.