Obamacare’s Poisoned Pill


A case is about to be presented to the Supreme Court alleging that the Affordable Care Act only allows healthcare subsidies to be legally paid to individuals who acquire their insurance through the sixteen state exchanges. The current administration states that the act of excluding federal exchanges in the subsidy program was a “typo” and was not the true intention of the law.

Most people agree that if the federal exchanges are not allowed access to government subsidies, then insurance via Healthcare.gov will quickly go into a “death spiral”. However, one of the main architects of the law named Jonathan Gruber has already been caught on video boasting that this exclusion of federal subsidies was done on purpose as an incentive to force states politically into creating their own exchanges. Gruber is the same person being seen in videos recently admitting that lies were repeatedly told in order to pass the Affordable Care Act because of the “stupidity” of the American people.

When Obamacare falls completely apart over the next two years, the media and the Democratic Party will try to convince the uninformed massses that the healthcare law was destroyed by an angry Republican majority and a biased Supreme Court. Anyone who believes this political “spin” is just as stupid and uninformed as Jonathan Gruber thinks you are. Don’t let any of this ridiculous propaganda confuse you. The passage of this law included a poisoned pill.  The final “death blow” to the terminally flawed Affordable Care Act will be due to the actions of the loud-mouthed arrogant elitist pictured in this post.

This Question Will Haunt You

Federal Debt

“Where were you?” It was a question that haunted many of the people of Nazi Germany for the rest of their lives: “How could you just stand around and allow other human beings to be placed into concentration camps?” No explanation was ever good enough.

It is very likely that our current generation will someday be presented with a series of questions that will haunt us for the rest of our lives as well: “Where were you when the United States stopped passing budgets and started printing 70 billion dollars per month out of thin air just to pay it’s bills? Where were you when your government started intentionally devaluing the world’s reserve currency which eventually resulted in global economic collapse? Where you when the dollar suddenly became worthless and all those people could not even feed themselves anymore?”

“Where were you?”

Loving You Against My Will: The President Obama Love Story

I recently created a country music video which came out strongly against President Obama and the Affordable Care Act.  In the spirit of fairness, I have decided to try and place myself in the shoes of an actual Obama supporter and attempt to make a country music video for them as well.  The result is now ready for release:  “Loving You Against My Will: The President Obama Love Story”.

Dear Ten Year Old Me

Dear ten year old me,

Hello, Michael. This is your 45 year old future self. I have a few things that I need to tell you. First of all, please leave your cats alone. You are driving them crazy and it’s just mean.

By the way, do you know how much you like computers and both your parents keep telling you that you should go into computer programming? I want you to stick with it. You are going to have some bad stuff happen in your childhood and you may start thinking that you need to gravitate towards a more noble profession because you owe it to society. You are never going to be truly happy doing this because deep down you will always know that you did not choose the right path.

It is also important for you to understand that you are going to mistakenly think you are in love a couple of times before you actually are. You have to make sure that you don’t marry any of these people because you will end up hurting one of them deeply and regretting it for the rest of your life.

During your early years, I need you to make as much money as you can and then invest it all in Wal-Mart, Berkshire Hathaway, Cisco, Google, and Apple… and by Apple, I mean “Apple Computer”. I don’t simply want you to go out and buy apples. You are also going to make a decision when you are about sixteen years old to become a Chicago Cubs fan… I need you to change this to the St. Louis Cardinals.

When you turn 27 years old, I am still going to need you come to Fort Smith, Arkansas and find a young female doctor named Janet Kuriger.  She should be just recently divorced with a small child. This is the love of your life and if you let her get away then I am going to somehow travel back in time and beat your ass. However, you need to understand not to go anywhere near this woman until after she has her baby because her kid totally rocks and you will eventually love him more than anything in this world.

Lastly and most importantly, things are never as bad as you will think they are. When a girlfriend leaves you suddenly or doesn’t love you back it is not the end of the world. You are young and stupid. You are going to make a ton of mistakes. I need you to learn from a very young age how to forgive yourself. Don’t beat yourself up so much. Enjoy your youth… and enjoy your hair. Neither are going to be around for very long.


Future Michael Guyer

Who Would Leave a Child In a Hot Car?

It was simply a change in our daily routine. My son was almost six months old at the time and my wife usually brought him to daycare each morning.  My wife had to go in early one day because one of her patients had gone into labor and she asked me to take care of our child. I placed my infant son in his car seat in the extended section of my large pick up truck and I left the house. My son sat quietly in the back of the vehicle. My mind began to drift to the many problems that I was going through at work. I drove through the sweltering August heat right past his daycare. I went to the drive thru at a local coffee shop for some coffee. I continued to drive all the way across town to my clinic.

I parked in the back of the doctor’s parking lot and gathered my things. With my white coat in one hand and my coffee in the other, I closed the door to my truck and turned towards my workplace. I walked a few steps away from my vehicle as I reviewed in my mind what I had just seen in my peripheral vision. “What did I just see?”, I quickly asked myself. I saw my lab coat, my coffee, the car door, and a quick glimpse of my infant son still sitting in my back seat! I immediately returned to my truck and found him still smiling and cooing to himself. I had come within an instant accidental glance of leaving my newborn infant to die in a hot car. The mere thought of this possibility immediately brought me to tears. With both hands trembling, I took my child out of the car seat and I hugged him.

I will now occasionally hear about parents who will accidentally leave their children in a hot car to die. I listen to people refer to these parents as monsters. I hear people say that the parents should be placed in a hot car and left there to die themselves. I promise you that every single one of these unfortunate parents were absolutely sure that they would never be one of those brainless idiots until they actually were. These terrible news stories instantly take me back to what was almost the very worst day of my entire life. Each time I hear about one of these parents, I simply close my eyes and say a little prayer for them… and remind myself that there, but for the grace of God, go I.

The Last Time

It’s strange to think that we usually are not aware of the last time that we will ever do something. The last time I saw a patient as a physician, I was not aware that she was my last patient at the time that I saw her. Most of us have friends who have died… and the last time we ever saw them or talked to them was probably nothing special. We will someday eat our last meal and watch our last sunset. We will probably all have a “last time” that we kiss our spouse goodbye or give our kids a hug. Will we know at the time that it will be for the very last time? Probably not. The chaotic nature of human life dictates that you can usually only discover the most significant moments in retrospect. Given that, we should all make a concerted effort to appreciate what we still have today.

The Faberge Egg

Faberge Egg

Some people are simply stuck in hollow marriages
They stopped loving, honoring, or cherishing each other long ago
They share the same living space in sickness and in health
But they feel alone in their own homes
They cling to the promise of “till death do you part”
Like that was the only line of the agreement
They discontinue all intimacy
And sometimes even sleep in separate beds
They tell themselves they are better than their divorced counterparts
And wear their anniversary number like a badge of honor
They take something that is old and empty
And try to convince themselves that they have something beautiful
Some people will admire this from the outside
But in the inside there is nothing there
It exists only for others to observe and admire
Like an old dusty Faberge egg

Rebellion Squared


It would appear that the United States if facing a rebellion from “teabaggers” at the same time that the United Kingdom is facing a rebellion from “bagpipers”.

Working With Large Numbers

Each kilobyte holds a thousand bytes of electronic storage. Megabytes hold one million and gigabytes hold one billion bytes. Now we are measuring data storage in terabytes which holds one trillion bytes of data each! I now own a network attached storage device which holds twenty terabytes… That is twenty trillion bytes of code! Do you have any idea how big twenty trillion actually is? To give you a general idea, it is approximately the number of dollars of debt we will be in by the year 2016. That concludes your lesson for today. Wake up, America!

Follicular Hate Crimes

girl fight

I think it is time for all of us to sit down as a nation and discuss the growing epidemic of blonde on brunette violence. When as a people are we ever going to learn to see past the hair? I dream for the day that a person will be judged not by the color of their hair but the content of their character.

(If by any chance you think that what I just said sounds stupid, that is precisely how the rest of the world sounds to me. Good day.)