My father-in-law finally lost his long and courageous battle with esophageal cancer. He wasn’t just our most amazing family member… he was our hero. I recently wrote a eulogy for him which was presented by my wife at his funeral yesterday and she spoke for every single one of us. The following is the text of the original eulogy which we provided for our family.
“Most people would agree that William Kuriger was a man of few words. If brevity is truly the soul of wit then he was very likely to be one of the wittiest men to ever walk the Earth. Telling his family members that he loved them came quite easily throughout his life, but getting much else out of this man was sometimes a chore. It often seemed that he considered each question presented to him as a personal challenge to provide an answer with the fewest number of words possible.
We live in a world that is so full of talk. We are bombarded almost daily with people who brag about their lives and accomplishments. Promises don’t seem to mean as much as they used to and words are often thrown around carelessly. We are exposed to so much chatter these days that it has almost become background noise. It makes you wonder how soft spoken people are ever supposed to get noticed in today’s world.
Bill Kuriger had plenty to say to every single one of us if we were just willing to listen… he simply spoke to us through non-conventional means. He spoke to us through his sixty-year marriage to Dolores. He taught us about the value of personal loyalty and uncompromising devotion. He showed us to take your marriage vows seriously including the parts about sickness and health. He made sure we all knew that “happily ever after” isn’t just a phrase for storybooks. He and his beloved wife took on major setbacks in life with a grace and dignity which was inspiring.
He spoke to us in the way that he raised his seven children. He showed us the importance of being a provider for your family and the model of consistency. His calm demeanor and steady presence earned respect from others and he offered mutual respect in return. He spoke to us through the lives of his grandchildren, as well. Their grandpa was always willing to read a story or play catch. He was even willing to travel across the entire country in order to attend their wedding or graduation. He taught us all how to truly be present in the lives of our loved ones.
He spoke to our love of knowledge. As a college professor at the University of Oklahoma, he taught multiple generations how to start asking the right questions. He was usually the smartest guy in the room but he never acted like it. He showed us all that we never stop being students and that we should always be open to the concept of learning new things. He also spoke to our love of country. As a member of the United States Marine Corps, he taught all of us about the importance of selflessness, sacrifice, and raw determination.
Most importantly, Bill Kuriger spoke to all of us through his faith. He did not need to use many words for himself as long as he lived in a manner which was true to the word of God. He preached the gospel on a daily basis without even needing to open his mouth. He told God that he loved Him in the best way possible… he showed Him.
We have gathered here today to remember the quiet and beautiful life of William Kuriger. Everyone here today wants you to know that we were listening, Bill. We heard you. We found your amazing voice above the cacophony of endless chatter and background noise. You were one of the greatest teachers that any of us ever knew… and you spoke volumes.”