What, Me Worry?


President Obama just recently announced that he does not have a back-up strategy regarding the current military advancement of the Islamic State in Iraq.  He also just recently admitted that he does not have a back-up plan if the Supreme Court rules that most of the federal subsidies associated with Obamacare are illegal and the out-of-pocket cost for most people’s insurance subsequently goes way up.  However, Mr. Obama does agree that someone in a position of power should probably be worrying about this kind of stuff.

Racism Is Here To Stay


There will always be racism in our society. Racism is simply never going to go away. It will never be completely eradicated. There are people in this country who are just as closed-minded and racist today as the ones who were burning crosses in other people’s yards many years ago. If you constantly measure our apparent “lack of progress” by pointing out all of the racists who still exist within this country then you have ideas about race relations that are simply unattainable. As long as stupidity exists… racism will also exist.

The measure of a society is not whether or not it contains some racist people within it but should instead be measured on how it responds to this racism. There was a time when a racist could be vocal without any consequences whatsoever. Overt racists could continue to run their businesses or continue their college education. They were not afraid to share their views with the rest of the world.  Racists in today’s society live in constant fear of being discovered.

In an advanced society, its good-hearted citizens act like the antibodies of a healthy immune system. Acts of racism are immediately attacked once discovered. The racist is often shamed and publicly ostracized. Of course, these racist individuals have the constitutional right to say whatever they want. But freedom of speech does not also grant freedom from consequences. Our society will essentially “wall off” the offending individuals in order to keep the rest of our society healthy.

Unfortunately, all immune systems have a tendency to become hypersensitive.   In our society’s strong yet impossible desire to eradicate racism completely, our citizens have started attacking any perceived threat of racism. The simple act of criticizing a racial minority can often be considered to be an example of covert racism. The antibodies of our immune system are now clearly attacking healthy tissue. Our society’s desire to attack and completely eradicate racism is now making us sick. This autoimmune disease has now become the process that is slowly killing us.

The solution to this new problem will require that we gradually desensitize our own immune system. Our children are not born with racial bias. If we do not teach racism to them… then they won’t go looking for it. Real racism will almost always reveal itself over time and when it becomes obvious then it should be dealt with immediately. False accusations and innuendos will continue to tear at the very fabric of our society. The long-term solution to this problem requires that all of our citizens are assumed to not be racists until disproven with undeniable evidence to the contrary.

Simple Solution

Iran nukes

If conservatives really want to interfere with the nuclear negotiations currently taking place between the United States and Iran then they should simply tell President Obama that all of the leaders of Iran are Republicans… this would stop all negotiations immediately.

This is a Test of the Entire United States Judicial System. This is Only a Test.

Supreme Court

There is a test going on in the Supreme Court right now and it is not just a test to determine the fate of Obamacare. This is ultimately a test to determine which Supreme Court justices can actually read. These justices are currently hearing arguments regarding an issue which is as simple as two plus two.

The Affordable Care Act clearly states that the federal government can only subsidize the insurance premiums for exchanges that have been established by the individual states. This law specifically says that these subsidies would not be provided for states on the federal exchanges. One of the founders of this law then went on to proclaim publicly that this distinction was placed into the legislation on purpose as an incentive for the states to establish their own exchanges. This preemptively diffuses any theoretical argument regarding the law’s true intent. This part of the law was clearly not a typographical error.

Any judge who rules in favor of the Affordable Care Act regarding this issue is either too foolish to interpret the plain English written into the law or they are too influenced by politics to actually do their jobs and interpret the law as written. The justices of the Supreme Court are about to be subjected to a very public litmus test. Their bias may soon be exposed for the whole world to see. Our citizens are watching closely to see whether or not the judicial system in the United States is now completely broken.

I do not personally wish for this court decision to be upheld because I want people to pay more for their health insurance. My wish for this legal decision being upheld is a simple one.  I believe in the simple rule of law.  I believe that the Affordable Care Act is a bad law… and in the immortal words of Abraham Lincoln: “The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.”

Word of Advice for Rudy Giuliani

chris brown and rihanna

Wondering to yourself whether or not President Obama loves this country is like wondering to yourself whether or not Chris Brown loved Rihanna.

Crusades Analogy

Obama speech

President Obama lecturing us all about the atrocities committed by Christians during the Crusades is like when your house is burning down after an electrical fire and instead of the fire department actually showing up with fire hoses they just stand outside your house and lecture you about the dangers of old kerosene lanterns.

The United States Foreign Policy In One Simple Sentence

Clint Eastwood

If you attack the United States of America or our allies then we will chase you to the ends of the Earth and follow you to the gates of hell where we will then proceed to engage you with limited air strikes and attempt to contain you within a predefined time frame with no actual boots on the ground… punk.

The High Standard Of The American People


America will not tolerate a news anchor who makes up fabricated tales of grandeur describing harrowing incidents of taking enemy fire when no such incidents actually occurred. You might consider being our President someday… but being our news anchor is simply out of the question. We have to TRUST our news anchors.

The United States Has Finally Won The War On Terrorism

artist_formerly_known_as_prince (1)I am happy to announce that the United States of America has now finally won its war against terrorism. The strategy used to accomplish this goal was simply brilliant.  The civilized world struggled unsuccessfully for years to rid the world of terrorism by getting down into the trenches and battling insurgents on their own home turf. We soon discovered that a new terrorist would pop up just as quickly as we would take down an old one. It seemed as though we were playing a never-ending game of “terrorist whack-a-mole.”

New leadership ushered in a new era of ideas. We had been fighting this battle on the wrong front. The United States redirected its efforts to pinpoint the actual root of the problem. Our leaders eventually determined that the only real way to rid the planet of terrorism would be to actually attack the word “terrorism.” Major news organizations got onboard and announced that violent Islamic terrorists would now be referred to as “rebel forces.” Terrorist attacks themselves would now be referred to as “crimes.” We stole a page directly from “the artist formerly known as Prince.” The enemy became “the rebel forces formerly known as terrorists.”

This new tactic regarding the global war on terror proved to be very successful almost immediately. Terrorism statistics began to show a significant decline.  We finally had these rebel forces on the run. There was obviously a sharp uptick in local crime during this same time period, but these petty crimes could be dealt with on an individual basis by local law enforcement.

The good news is that the global war on terrorism has finally ended. Terrorism is now gone for good. The bad news is that there are still large organized groups of severely religious gentlemen who are rapidly gaining power by overthrowing entire government entities with the long-term goal of eventually removing your head from the rest of your body. Perhaps we need to announce a new global war on whatever the hell you want to call this.